GSoft LLC Apps

Planzoom 1.65
PlanZoom - the Ultimate Land PlanningTool!This Development Feasibility Software isfully confidential and infinitely configurable - knowtruedevelopment capacity prior to consideration or acquisition.Planthe World ®
Camera Spy Monitor 1.21
Are you sure another app is notsecretlyrecording you? If you have an app that has Internetpermissions aswell as camera or audio (almost any video app), itcan be remotelytriggered to spy on you! This program monitors thecamera andmicrophone and lets you know when a recording is started!- It will monitor for activity notifying you in the status barorwith a vibration.- You can have it LOCK your camera and microphone so that noappcan use those items until you unlock.- It does NOT have Internet access (like some other apps) sothatyou can be sure that this app is not the SPY!In addition to notifying you, it logs the access in a listthatyou can review to see when the camera or microphone was usedandfor how long. It keeps a list of items running on your devicesoyou can figure out the app that is doing the spying (Androiddoesnot provide this information directly).We are NOT providing an in-app purchase option because ifweenabled in-app purchases, we have to have to requireINTERNETpermission and WE could be spying on you. This way, our appcannotaccess the Internet so you do not have to worry that it isspyingitself.Give yourself peace of mind! Camera Spy Monitor is easy touseand protects you from being recorded without your knowledge!
TV Slide Show 1.12
TV Slide Show allows you to show yourpicturesfrom any Android device on a Smart TV, a computer, or onany otherphone or tablet. You control the Slide Show from yourdevice (notfrom the TV or computer) – when you pick a picture, itshows onyour TV (or other device being used)!To use, both devices MUST be using the same wifi hotspottoconnect to the Internet.On the device you want to see pictures on, you go and it will display a 4-digit code.You simply start the app on your device and enter that4-digitcode. It's that easy! Then, you can scroll through yourpicturesand when you pick one, it is shown to the other user.You can even generate an email link to email to another personsothey don’t have to type in the address (they can just clink thelinkin the email).
Talk To Me 1.45
TalkToMe allows you to send voice messagestoyourself or your friends without typing! The best part is youcanlisten to messages without having to look at your screen!It allows you to ‘shake’ your device to enter ‘Talk Mode’andfrom there, you can swipe different directions to change menus.Itwill talk to you and tell you where you are in the app so youdon’thave to look at the screen. Perfect for driving (but pleasefollowall local laws) as you do not have to look at the screen tolistenor record a response!It’s really easy to move around the app. Swipe left or righttochange menus. Swipe up or down to go forward and backthroughmessages. Tap to start and stop recording. Started arecording inerror? Swipe to cancel or simply ‘shake’ at any time tocancel arecording or exit Talk Mode.You can also create a group allows multiple people to joinandany messages sent will go to ALL of the people in the group.Try it for free for 90 days and the first 100K downloads cangeta fully licensed version FREE! Just send 5 messages (tosomeoneother than yourself) in the first 90 days and itautomaticallyupgrades to a licensed version.Try it out - safe, easy and fun!
Group Bulletin Board 1.31
Group Bulletin Board allows you tocreateBulletin Boards where you can post text, pictures anddrawings. Youcan share these with anyone in the world with anAndroid Device ORby using www.GroupBulletinBoard.comYou control access to your Board by (optionally) creatingapassword for the Board so only those you choose can see andPost.In addition, you can configure the board to notify you when apostis made – just like a ‘text’! The app can send invites toyourfriends using email so that they can join you board easily!Create a Board for items such as:- Clubs! Have a social club, a league or an athletic team? CreateaBoard for the group giving a central place to share meetingtimes,results and pictures of the action!- Relatives! Create a board for Relatives to post on andsharepictures and commentary. This is an easy way for everyone tokeepin touch without sharing with the entire world!- Special Events! Have a special event such as a sportingevent,birthday party or simply a ‘night on the town’? Let peopleknowwhere you are in a single place so that anyone can find youwithouthaving to respond to endless texts or phone calls.- Vacation. Going on vacation with a group of people? Haveacentral area where everyone can post where they are, where tomeet,and when they’ll be back. Even post pictures of interestingthingsyou see!- Private place for special friend or spouse. Have a privateareawhere you can share pictures and text with only the person youwant.Better than texting as you can add posts and look at theboard fromother places than just your phone.- Memories. Keep it for only yourself where you canpostpictures, drawings or text about events that you want to lookatlater.The possibilities are endless.You are NOT required to provide any personal information –youcan simply create a Board and tell anyone who you want toaccessthe Board the name of the Board. You can optionally add apasswordto the Board so that only those people who you give thepassword tocan access the Board.You can post messages, pictures and even drawings onyourBulletin Board! As the owner of the Board, you can removepostsfrom other people and even remove members if they arecausingproblems!You can now configure the app to notify you when someonePosts!You can have your device vibrate, play a short ringtone or anotifyyou in your status bar when someone Posts. This isespeciallyvaluable when the board is used as a private place forfriends andfamily.It’s free, fast and easy. To create your first Board, youonlyneed to enter a name for the Board and you are ready to go!There are a several permissions required. Most have been addedtosupport the notification feature. Here is a list of thepermissionsand what we use them for.INTERNET - used to transfer and receive Posts.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE - used to cache pictures (if enabled) toyourmemory card.BILLING - used if you want to do an in-app purchase toremoveads.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE - used for Google Analytics which helps usmakeit better!VIBRATE - used to Vibrate device if you select that modeofnotification.GET_ACCOUNTS, WAKE_LOCK, C2D_MESSAGE- used by Google CloudMessagingto notify your device of a post.
Group Slide Show 1.56
Show YOUR Pictures on OTHER Android Devicesorat!Group Slide Show is an App that allows you (the HOST) todisplayyour pictures to other people (GUESTS) who have an Androiddeviceor to Guests who access from our website can see the pictures on their OWN device (or in astandardbrowser at the website) so there is no need to look oversomeone’sshoulder or email your pictures to a group of people!Pictures are displayed in real-time – you choose a pictureonyour device and your Guests see it! It’s that simple. Youcontrolwhat pictures are displayed and in what order. You can denyusersaccess so that only the people you want are able to seethepictures!Guests can access over the Internet so they can be anywhereinthe world! There is no need to be in the same room, same houseoreven the same country! However, if you and your Guests are onthesame local hot-spot (or local home wireless network), youcanbypass the Internet and communicate directly through thelocalnetwork (note that the local network option doesn’t workforaccessing the website – Internet is required to is free so even if yourfriendsor family do not have an Android device, they can still be aGuestat your Slide Show! We allow Guests to connect over theInternetanonymously (but it’s up to you if you allow them to viewyourpictures) but we do encourage a Guest to create a freeaccount.Creating an account with a valid email allows us to verifythatemail so that when a Guest connects to your Slide Show fromthewebsite, you will know who it is (their email will be shownastheir identifier). Guests connecting anonymously aredisplayeddifferently and can be treated differently depending uponyoursettings in the options page.Here is a list of the permissions required and what they areusedfor:INTERNET. Used to communicate with Remote Server for SlideShowsover the Internet. Also use for Ad display.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE. Used to save Thumbnail pictures ofyourslides. Also used to save pictures from Remote SlideShowsTemporarily.CHANGE_WIFI_MULTICAST_STATE. This is used to setup Multicastingtofind clients on same network.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE and ACCESS_WIFI_STATE. These are used to getIPaddresses of local networks to access local clients.ACCESS_COURSE_LOCATION and ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION. These are usedonlywhen you allow GPS to find slide shows nearby.CHECK_LICENSE. This is used to verify the license issued byGoogleLicense Service.BILLING. This is used to provide in-app billing to upgrade.Have fun and Share Your Life!
Call Manager 1.32
Call Manager lets you Schedule when peoplecancall or text. All calls and texts still come in but if they arenotin the list, they go directly to voicemail with no ringingorvibrating (texts just stay silent). No missed calls or messagesbutyou will not be bothered at inappropriate times either.Assign your Contacts to Groups such as FRIENDS or FAMILY andsetSchedules for each day when the people in that Group cancall.Default Schedules can be set for ALL people IN your Contactsaswell as others with unknown phone numbers that are NOT inyourContacts. Your Groups (such as FRIENDS) override theseDefaultSchedules making it easy to configure (you don’t have to puteachand every person in a list – just the important ones).New in version 1.30 is the ability to set Ringtones orVibrateOnly by Group! That means that when a call is allowed toring yourphone, you can choose any ringtone to announce it.You can create ACTIVITIES that you can turn on or off suchasSLEEPING or WORKING. This way you can override thestandardschedule when conditions permit. You can even have theappautomatically turn on and off an Activity (such as SLEEPING)atpre-determined times each day so you don’t have to remember todoit manually.A Widget is provided as well! The widget sits on your homescreenwhere you can see the current status (what Activity orOverride isactive and when it will revert back to the normalSchedule). Thewidget also provides one-click access to theoverride screen toallow you to turn on DO NOT DISTURB, or turn onor off an Activity(such as SLEEPING ) when circumstanceschange.This app uses only alarms so it uses very little battery –itdoes not run all of the time – only when a phone call or textisreceived (to check the number) or when a scheduled Activitywakesup the program.For example, you can specify that EVERYONE always goestovoicemail. Then, you can specify that your FRIENDS can call fromatime such as 10:00am to midnight (can be different for each dayofthe week). And perhaps FAMILY can call anytime. Customlistsoverride the standard lists (such as EVERYONE) so that, inthisexample, your phone would ring or vibrate ONLY when FAMILYcalledor if FRIENDS called from 10:00am to midnight. All otherswould godirectly to voicemail!You can even create a group that ALWAYS goes to voicemail –ifthere is a particular group of people who you never want toringyour phone!If anyone has any problems at all, please email me and I'llfixit!